A life in words
Now I Have No Excuse
Here’s a list of the highly varied recommendations I received in response to my last post: Sufjan Stevens—Come on Feel the Illinois Regina Spektor Nickel Creek: This Side Keane Reik Colplay: X&Y and Viva La Vida Explosions in the Sky Travis Dr. Horrible’s Sing Along Blog (sans Mr. Hammer) Avatar soundtrack Chopin “Military Suite in…
The Spotlight
I answered these questions for a “spotlight” section in the ward newsletter. Understandably, my lengthy responses were pared down prior to publication. Here I give you the original, uncut spotlight. I’m quite proud of it. Here goes…. Where are you from? Kennewick, Washington — the bone dry, brown, not-ever-green part of the Evergreen State. If…
Official Announcement and Official Request
Announcement I’m starting the Master’s program in computer science at BYU in the fall! That means I will be taking some spring and summer classes in preparation for the program’s beginning in fall. Request My dad gave me an Amazon.com gift certificate and I want to use it to broaden my musical horizons. I’d like…