A life in words
Official Announcement and Official Request
Announcement I’m starting the Master’s program in computer science at BYU in the fall! That means I will be taking some spring and summer classes in preparation for the program’s beginning in fall. Request My dad gave me an Amazon.com gift certificate and I want to use it to broaden my musical horizons. I’d like…
Don Quixote was published something like 400 years ago in archaic Spanish that I can only understand by looking up every other word in the Royal Academy‘s online dictionary. And yet, I find that the delusional knight is part of my daily thought and discourse. Yesterday a programmer in his blog compared his crazy project…
Day of Deceit
The painfully obvious “Scientists worldwide admit global warming is a hoax” is actually pretty good. The best part: For his part, Al Gore has owned up to duping the scientific community. In a blog post on his website, the ex-Nobel Laureate explains the genesis of his scheme, “now that the jig is up.” As long…