
hubrisWhen I saw that the various things I was working on and talking about with people brought a Tennyson poem, Doctrine and Covenants 45, a book about pre-Columbian civilizations, and my own poetic musings together in one place, I was filled with intellectual vanity.

At his request, I started telling my professor my thoughts about a thesis topic. He started to seem bored and anxious for the conversation to end—I guess he just doesn’t dig computational approaches to decipherment? Well, he asked and I answered so he can only blame himself, I suppose.

Sometimes I think I have a real contribution to make. Other times I feel like the poor, freaked-out kid in PhD Comics who is always getting dumped on and put in his place. Maybe both are true.







One response to “Hubris”

  1. Tallia Avatar

    I know you have a contribution to make…you just need to trust in yourself and you’ll figure out what it is. I think those four things you brought together (D&C, Tennyson, Columbus, etc) sound very interesting, although I wonder if I would understand it like you do. 🙂

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