Enter Monstropolitan

I’ve been wanting to do this for a long time—merge my public ¡Oye, vato! blog with my family-only Ziggity Zam blog. It saves me the hassle of having to post things in two places. It helps me be able to focus on just one blog. It gives me a new, permanent home at joshhansen.net. And… what else would I do with my lazy summer?

Everything from those old blogs, and even the few posts that ever emerged on my long-defunct Tales from the Tree blog, is here at monstropolitan. The only thing possibly missing would be the content of the blogtron blog that I ran on one of the physics department’s servers. Why the name ‘monstropolitan’? Dunno. Sounds cool. Probably in a few years I’ll look at it and say, “What the heck was I thinking??” But it’s a piece of cake to change the title, and the address will stay the same: joshhansen.net. Repeat it aloud with me now: josh—hansen (mind the ‘e’!)—dot—net. Good job!

At the moment, it doesn’t look like much. The content is all here, but the appearance is basically just vanilla wordpress 2.5. Hopefully that will change.

Making an account will allow you to make comments, and allow you to see certain pages that are not open to the general public once I get your group permissions set up. So, make yourself an account by clicking the “Log in” link down on the right side of the page somewhere. If you happen to have an OpenID, such as by means of a Yahoo account or through a Blogger account using Blogger in Draft (click settings->OpenID to see the OpenID status of your blog), then you can log in right away by putting your URL in the OpenID login box.

Have fun!






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