A life in words
A Return to Blogism
My good friend Michelle pointed out with disappointment that I hadn’t posted anything to my blog for months. I made her what I hoped wouldn’t become a hollow promise: to post, or, in other words, to return to blogism. Well, Michelle, here it is. The Past I’ve been spending a lot of time lately transcribing…
Followup Links
These links seem relevant to my previous post: Myths and Realities of the George Bush Presidency Incumbent Politicians vs. The Long Tail [Very interesting initial analysis, though he goes a bit weird with the Virtual Federalism thing] The World Has Changed, Why Won’t the Fund and the Bank? [On the relevance of the World Bank…
Ron Paul: From Terrible Ideas to Bad Ideas AND Searching for a Philosopher King?
VS? VS? After last night reading two disheartening Washington Post articles about the Vice President’s twisted policies, I was interested to learn about Ron Paul. I thought I remembered someone I know mentioning him as a favorite when he watched the debates, so could Mr. Paul be the Messiah candidate who will come to save…