A life in words

  • One Good Reason To Stay Up Till 2:03 AM

    This paper: Unsupervised Analysis for Decipherment Problems. Boring as it might sound, I think I would be happy spending much of my life working on similar problems.

  • Waiting in Line

    Normally time spent waiting in lines is utterly wasted. Just scratch it off of the list of productive moments in your life; you might as well not have lived that line-time. Just ask East Germany. Saturday morning I went with some members of my ward to the Mount Timpanogos temple. Because the Provo temple is…

  • T is for Tokyo

    That’s good enough for Cookie Monster. Problem is, the skyline at the top of my website is actually that of Kuala Lampur. But that has two letters, which is far beyond Sesame Street.

Culture is not a territory to be won or lost but a resource we are called to steward with care. Culture is a garden to be cultivated.Makoto Fujimura, Culture Care, 2017