A life in words
A Nerdly, Software-Engineering-ish, Computer-Sciencey Approach to the Gay Marriage Debate
Gay marriage is a proposed change that’s hoped to be an optimization. Advocates say that the current system (society) is sub-optimal in that a particular sub-system (marriage) is not sufficiently general (same-sex couples aren’t allowed to participate). Let’s say marriage is a function by which a man and a woman are combined to create an…
Re: Anonymous
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSrDRnqpMCY So Anonymous (quintuple slogan: “We are Anonymous, We are legion, We never forgive, We never forget, Expect us.”) is at it again, defacing the DOJ sentencing website (including the above video) and threatening release of Justice Department secrets. Gotta say the production quality on the video is surprisingly good. The voice sounds like a…
Hello, friends! Hello, blog! Been a while, eh? In the long history of this blog (existing in various forms since January 2004!) there have often been dry spells. Droughts, if you will. But then something drives me back to the blog to at least make an appearance. I sort of feel like it’s time for…