Category: everything else

  • Dubious Honor, But See The Show!

    Well, I’m not quite sure what it says about my not-quite-nascent acting career (they said I was good at “vacant”), but I’ve been cast to play the title role (at least, a role from part of the title) in Waiting for Godot Baggins at tomorrow night’s Bad Play Project. There will be minimal, if any,…

  • The Spotlight

    I answered these questions for a “spotlight” section in the ward newsletter. Understandably, my lengthy responses were pared down prior to publication. Here I give you the original, uncut spotlight. I’m quite proud of it. Here goes…. Where are you from? Kennewick, Washington — the bone dry, brown, not-ever-green part of the Evergreen State. If…

  • Day of Deceit

    The painfully obvious “Scientists worldwide admit global warming is a hoax” is actually pretty good. The best part: For his part, Al Gore has owned up to duping the scientific community. In a blog post on his website, the ex-Nobel Laureate explains the genesis of his scheme, “now that the jig is up.” As long…