Category: comp/tech
Another Call for Sanity
Another call for sanity has been issued by Jem Matzan of the Jem Report: I’m getting desperate for a word processor made for writing — letters, articles, books, essays, and that sort of thing. I don’t want to design banners, fliers, brochures, or hand-outs. If I need to do those things, I’ll use a desktop…
MORE OpenOffice
There’s some more discussion over here and over here that resembles some of my thoughts on the development of the office suite (a replacement for Microsoft Office). Once again, my take on it is that: While each individual OO.o application should be pared down and allowed to have “extensions” like Firefox does, the applications…
I’d also like to say that in general is a pretty lame piece of software. is rather good but has quite a number of areas for improvement (sorry about the previous negative attitude 😉 First off, does it even use a standard GUI toolkit? No. Why not? Because it’s legacy software: OO.o has a…