Category: blog
Pip pip! Cheerio!
Well, the Profile Picture Contest drew to a close with little fanfare on Saturday. And the winner received his prize of a box of brownie mix with even less fanfare in the bottom floor of the library next to my locker a few days ago! And the winner is: “Sir Josh, Lord of Schmedbury” (my…
Josh Hansen Profile Picture Mega-Competition 2008! (Updated 1)
I’ve arrived at the pinnacle of vanity, and now, as a rite of passage, I must hold a profile picture competition. I’ve had some pretty sweet profile pictures in the past, if I do say so myself (and I think I just did.) I know you’ve all been hording pictures of Josh Hansen for ages;…
A Return to Blogism
My good friend Michelle pointed out with disappointment that I hadn’t posted anything to my blog for months. I made her what I hoped wouldn’t become a hollow promise: to post, or, in other words, to return to blogism. Well, Michelle, here it is. The Past I’ve been spending a lot of time lately transcribing…