Christmas Carols in Prose #12: Far, Far Away on Judea’s Plains

The Angelic Announcement to the Sheperds by Taddeo Gaddi
The Angelic Announcement to the Sheperds by Taddeo Gaddi

Shepherds of old far, far away on Judea’s plains heard the joyous melody: “Glory in the highest to God. Let there be peace on earth and goodwill to everyone!”

This melody of redeeming love is a sweet message of mercy from heaven above. “Glory in the highest to God. Let there be peace on earth and goodwill to everyone!”

We would rejoice with the angels, too, Lord. Help us to sing with the heart and voice: “Glory in the highest to God. Let there be peace on earth and goodwill to everyone!”

Hasten the time when people from all regions shall unite in the sublime melody: “Glory in the highest to God. Let there be peace on earth and goodwill to everyone!”

[Original Text: John Menzies Macfarlane]







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