I don’t know why, but I’ve had a happy feeling in my heart the last few days. Whenever that happens I wonder, “Why do I feel this way?” I never really find an exact reason, but of course it still makes me feel glad.
Here’s one cool thing: I turned off the little thing that announces what track my music player is playing. When I had the announcement thing turned on, I would see a track and think “I’ve heard that a million times” and then skip to the next one. Well, without it I can’t do that, so by the time I’ve figured out what song it is it’s already played for a while and I start to remember why I like the song, even if I have heard it a million times. Due to that little change I’ve been discovering that I do have a lot of cool music!
I’ve also been looking through old emails from around my freshman year of college. The combined effect is to have voices from the past all intermixing with my present—an old swing ballad from the 1940’s, an email from a friend from home in the summer before heading off to BYU. I could also throw in photos and journals and who knows what else. It’s like a teeny, tiny inkling of a taste of what God experiences that led him to tell Moses “all things are present with me, for I know them all.” The sensation I felt was but an imitation of the true eternal present through which God experiences things. There is no past or future: there is only being. Someday we will actually be able to perceive the world in that way. Right now it’s cool just to imagine it.
Speaking of music reminds me that I still haven’t gotten any new music, in spite of all of the great recommendations I got from you loyal readers a few months ago. But I think I’m building up to it. Sometime soon!
By the way, here’s what I worked on today:

You have my permission to make a poster out of it. I know, it’s that cool.
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