A life in words
En españa—Parte 1
I’m responding to an email from David: On 5/4/07, David Hansen wrote: Hey Josh! How was the flight? How are you enjoying your first day outside of US/Canada? It’s pretty mind blowing being somewhere for your first time that English isn’t the native language. It’s cool to see another language all over the street signs…
Read This
A summary of surveys on Muslim attitudes towards sharia, a “global Caliphate,” democracy, and the West: http://www.csmonitor.com/2007/0425/p01s04-wome.html
Another Late Post
I just found that there are support sites on the Internet for people who are afraid of flying! That’s been one of my main concerns about going to Spain: the extremely long flight there and back. The hour and a half from here to Washington can be bad enough (or it can be extremely pleasant,…