A life in words

  • Dance Party

    I went to a dance party tonight. It was almost against my will—I figured I would probably end up going, but when the time came I didn’t really feel like leaving the apartment. But, I had told some of the girls from the hosting apartment that I would see them there, so I felt like…

  • Crosswalk

    I was walking home from the library. As I was nearing crosswalk, a guy coming the other direction pushed the crossing button for me just in time for it to turn green as I arrived. I said thanks and went happily on home. It put a smile on my face. So push the button for…

  • ‘Bourne Ultimatum’ and the Rule of Law in a Republic

    Just watched The Bourne Ultimatum with my sister and my bro-in-law. Cool movie, very well done! Of course, amidst the excellent action, its philosophical point wasn’t wasted on me. I don’t know if the original book was really about this, but it was a timely statement on the tension between security and liberty. A Tale…

Culture is not a territory to be won or lost but a resource we are called to steward with care. Culture is a garden to be cultivated.Makoto Fujimura, Culture Care, 2017