A life in words
Josh Hansen Profile Picture Mega-Competition 2008! (Updated 1)
I’ve arrived at the pinnacle of vanity, and now, as a rite of passage, I must hold a profile picture competition. I’ve had some pretty sweet profile pictures in the past, if I do say so myself (and I think I just did.) I know you’ve all been hording pictures of Josh Hansen for ages;…
And a harsh foreign policy view by means of color-coded flags. [Update: Link is dead, so you get an archive.org backup — which is pretty worthless, since it doesn’t have the images. Oh well!]
It Cuts Deep
Mwa ha ha, you fools! You thought it mattered who gets elected this fall! Oh that’s funny! Okay, so it does matter. A lot. But some things are likely to stay the same. From foreignpolicy.com’s “Passport” blog.