A life in words

  • Josh Hansen Profile Picture Mega-Competition 2008! (Updated 1)

    I’ve arrived at the pinnacle of vanity, and now, as a rite of passage, I must hold a profile picture competition. I’ve had some pretty sweet profile pictures in the past, if I do say so myself (and I think I just did.) I know you’ve all been hording pictures of Josh Hansen for ages;…

  • Flags

    And a harsh foreign policy view by means of color-coded flags. [Update: Link is dead, so you get an archive.org backup — which is pretty worthless, since it doesn’t have the images. Oh well!]

  • It Cuts Deep

    Mwa ha ha, you fools! You thought it mattered who gets elected this fall! Oh that’s funny! Okay, so it does matter. A lot. But some things are likely to stay the same. From foreignpolicy.com’s “Passport” blog.

The principal difficulty lies, and the greatest care should be employed in constituting this Representative Assembly. It should be in miniature, an exact portrait of the people at large. It should think, feel, reason, and act like them. That it may be the interest of this Assembly to do strict justice at all times, it should be an equal representation, or in other words equal interest among the people should have equal interest in it. Great care should be taken to effect this, and to prevent unfair, partial, and corrupt elections.John Adams, Thoughts on Government, April 1776