A life in words

  • Obamanomists

    If the economic policy of Barack Obama is “Obamanomics,” then its practitioners must be “Obamanists.” Interesting. Here are some articles from opposite ends of the political spectrum discussing Obama’s economics proposals and ideas. I found both of them to be informative and to provide much excellent food for thought. The New York Times one is…

  • The Hulk: Incredible?

    Just saw The Incredible Hulk for free due to the generosity of a friend of a friend (that’s FOAF for short, no joke). Interesting movie, better than it might have been, yet not exactly a great feat of cinema. Here are some observations: I guess it’s the linguist in me, but I really enjoyed watching…

  • Boko Maru

    At a jazz festival I once heard a band called Boko Maru. They were really fun to see, and I’d like to hear their music again. Yet the band seems to have ceased to be quite a while ago. (See this archived version of their old web page and this review.) So here’s a request:…

Culture is not a territory to be won or lost but a resource we are called to steward with care. Culture is a garden to be cultivated.Makoto Fujimura, Culture Care, 2017