A life in words
So Open It’s Closed
There is a point at which an open mind becomes so open that it closes in on itself. At least, that’s what I think. At some point, the willingness to consider any and every thought as at least initially equivalent can wash out any willingness to evaluate the accuracy of those viewpoints. At that point,…
Choice and Belief: A Deliberately Credulous Introduction
It’s been a little while since posting, and there’s a reason: I’ve been sitting on a stool somewhere in a smoke-filled room (Note: It wasn’t tobacco smoke—somebody just burned something in the oven, of course!) slaving away over a series of new articles on the topic of Choice and Belief. If after reading through all…
I’ve never posted a video before as far as I can remember, but this was a real gem: Update: Nevermind, I posted that “Dark Bailout” video just a while ago. Watch this, though! Obama’s was pretty good, too, but McCain’s delivery is impeccable.