A life in words

  • When Dating Is Like Writing And One Is Prone To Writer’s Block

    I date like an artist. In both works of art (especially writing) and in dating, I cannot approach the marvel in my imagination and bring it into reality without trembling with the bowel-wrenching fear of devastating failure, terror at pondering the imminent collapse of my fondest dreams. I see potential—whether it be an idea for…

  • By Very Small Means

    A drip, a drop, Percolate, plop, Pooling, puddling, Flowing, flooding, Torrent tearing, Eroding, wearing, Gully grinding, Chasm winding, Until is seen from outer space A Grand Canyon on the planet’s face. And so this thought: It happened drop by drop. ((As seen on The Curiously Poetic Altoids!))

  • A Quick Rebuttal

    I wish to respond to this. Do you really consider Putin’s presidency—which so greatly improved incomes, security, and national self-confidence—disastrous? George W. Bush did not cause the rise in commodities prices, nor did Barack Obama’s election lead to their collapse. If anything, the economic crisis is improving the prospects of an opposition party in Russia,…

Of a commonwealth, whose subjects are but hindered by terror from taking arms, it should rather be said, that it is free from war, than that it has peace. For peace is not mere absence of war, but is a virtue that springs from force of character….Baruch Spinoza, Tractatus Theologico-Politicus V.4, 1670, trans. A. H. Gosset 1883