A life in words

  • A Goal Gastronomical

    Having just eaten lunch at Kneaders I was struck with a really cool idea: I’m going to make my own Kneaders-like meal, doing as much from scratch as is reasonable. This would include the following: The Sandwich Vegetables: grow the lettuce, tomatoes, herbs, onions, sprouts, etc. Bread: not milling my own wheat or anything, but…

  • Soy Combatiente

    Desde crío Me conducían el soñar. Todo era imposición. Desde niño Controlaban lo que iba a pensar. Mataban la ilusión. Lo que no mata, me fortalece hoy! Ser combatiente Me fortalece hoy, por hoy, por hoy! Y nunca quise ser igual. Nunca me latió ser del rebaño. Pensar tan diferente hoy, Hoy me tiene vivo…

  • Hubris

    When I saw that the various things I was working on and talking about with people brought a Tennyson poem, Doctrine and Covenants 45, a book about pre-Columbian civilizations, and my own poetic musings together in one place, I was filled with intellectual vanity. At his request, I started telling my professor my thoughts about…
