Category: thought and analysis

  • Choice and Belief: A Deliberately Credulous Introduction

    It’s been a little while since posting, and there’s a reason: I’ve been sitting on a stool somewhere in a smoke-filled room (Note: It wasn’t tobacco smoke—somebody just burned something in the oven, of course!) slaving away over a series of new articles on the topic of Choice and Belief. If after reading through all…

  • Dark-ness

    SPOILER WARNING! Don’t read the second part of this post if you haven’t seen The Dark Knight yet! It will spoil things for you. I base this post on two recent thoughts or notes: Being out of the pop culture loop has almost no down side. I wonder how dark is too dark. 1. Pop…

  • Communism

    Question: Does insistence that communism not be part of [American] society unduly infringe on people’s rights of political expression and thus become the thing it is seeking to avoid? Proposition #1: Communism is not evil. Proposition #2: Solidarity against the evils of communism deprives people of rights. Proposition #2.1: Citizens have a right to seek…