Category: politics

  • En españa—totally soaked, newly conscious

    I’m completely wet. Tonight we’re going to see the new Pirates movie, Piratas del carribe 3: en el fin del mundo, as they call it here. So to accompany that, we’re going to watch the first movie on a projector here at the school. Well, we were supposed to meet at 4pm, so I headed…

  • On the War

    [Note: this article is a reposting of something I wrote for my family-only blog. It seems to be appropriate for general circulation, though, and I now present it with only the slightest editing.] I sort of think fighting over politics is like Bible bashing: totally unproductive. Why fight over the Good News? Why start a…

  • Joe Lieberman: voice of reason?

    Now, Mr. Lieberman is talking straight and making sense. He just got back from a visit to Iraq and made some positive comments on the progress being made there. The difficulties, he says, boil down to a simple idea: It is a war between 27 million and 10,000; 27 million Iraqis who want to live…