Category: hymns of prose

  • Christmas Carols in Prose #8: O Little Town of Bethlehem

    Little town of Bethlehem, we see you lie so still. The silent stars go by above your deep and dreamless sleep, yet the everlasting light shines in your dark streets. Tonight the hopes and fears of all the years meet in you. For Christ is born of Mary, and the angels, all gathered together up above,…

  • Christmas Carols in Prose #7: It Came upon the Midnight Clear

    At midnight on a clear night, that glorious old song came from angels bending to touch their golden harps to the earth: “Heaven’s all-gracious king says, ‘Peace on the earth, good will to everyone.’” The earth itself lay solemn and still so it could hear the angels sing. Angels are still coming through the opened skies with…

  • Christmas Carols in Prose #6: Away in a Manger

    The little Lord Jesus laid down his sweet head in a manger far away, without even having a crib to use as a bed. The stars in the heavens looked down where the little Lord Jesus lay asleep on the hay. The cows are mooing. The poor baby wakes up, but little Lord Jesus doesn’t…