Month: November 2008

  • Obamanymy

    One of the great things about the impending presidency of Barack Hussein Obama is that his name is awesome. I guess that’s what you get when your last name begins with an open syllable (meaning that it starts with a vowel). I predict that a whole new subfield of onomastics dedicated to the study of…

  • The Voice of the People

    Had I gotten my address updated and my absentee ballot arrived in the mail, I would have either voted for John McCain, or abstained on account of my concerns over Palin’s qualifications. But most of America was more responsible than I was, and they voted. And they voted decisively. John McCain’s concession speech was magnanimous…

  • Why My Blog’s Seemed Boring Lately

    Hello dear, devoted(?) fans! I owe you an explanation. Those of you who have just been visiting my site directly may have thought that nothing interesting has happened since sometime in August. Well, I’ve actually posted a lot since then, but there was a problem with my site configuration so that you couldn’t see those…