Month: September 2008
Our Own Advice
Says Robert Shimer via Greg Mankiw’s blog: The U.S. has long been a beacon of free markets. When economic conditions turn sour in Argentina or Indonesia, we give very clear instructions on what to do: balance the budget, cut government employment, maintain free trade and the rule of law, and do not prop up failing…
Bailin' on Palin
In case there are any Republican bosses / campaign strategists reading this blog, here’s a recommendation: drop Palin. She seems like a lovely lady, but truthfully she’s in over her head. Instead, why not capitalize on the economic crisis by bringing Romney on board? I’m not really a Romney booster, but it sort of makes…
When Vader Bails People Out…
Raghuram G. Rajan, former chief economist at the International Monetary Fund said: Where are the titans of the financial sector at this point? Why aren’t they coming together in a room at the New York Fed and saying, “This is a severe crisis for the financial system and we are going to put up some…